While you are reading this Manuel, I suggest that you pause your game by pressing the escape key, or simply read this book before you begin playing. This is because time will pass in the game and monsters will spawn once it is night(See Mobs for more information).
The Controls:
W = forward
S = backward
D = right
A = left
E = open and close inventory
Mouse = direction
Right click = interaction
Left click = wack, mine, destroy
Control = sprint
Q = drop
Escape = pause game
This game mode is halfway between Creative and Hardcore. You do not have unlimited resources, but you may die as many times as you wish. You have to eat, and monsters will attack you. This is a good game mode for beginners.
In this game mode you have unlimited resources, you do not have to eat, and you don’t have any health. You can fly, and monsters will not attack you. This is a good game mode for builders.
Hard Core
This game mode is identical to survival, but you can only die once. If you do die, all your progress will be lost. This game mode can be very frustrating to beginners. I should know.
I find this game mode very useful, because you can fly through blocks. But you cannot mine or interact with any creature. This game mode allows you to see through potion effects. If you are on a Mac, click with the scroll button on a living creature and you will enter that creatures body. You cannot control the creature, but this is still pretty fun.
This game mode is pretty much survival, but you need the correct tools to mine any block.
The Overworld, Getting Started:
The Overworld is the dimension in which you spawn into at the beginning of the game. It has many different biomes and materials.
When you first spawn, the first thing that I would do is gather around eleven wood logs. You can do this by running up to a tree and left or right clicking on it. You’ll know which one to click, because the correct one will create small cracks in the wood. Once you know what side to use, hold down the button while pointing your cursor(that’s the cross in the middle of your screen) at the block you aim to mine.
When you are done mining all your wood, press E to open your inventory. Then take all of your wood logs and place them in the four squares that are in the upper right corner of your inventory.
Congratulations! You just crafted your first item!
Next, you’ll take your planks and put one plank in each square. If you did it right, a block should appear in the single slot. Take this out and press E to exit your inventory. Place this block down next to you and right click on it. Once you have done this, a three by three grid should appear on your screen(remember to point your cursor at the block, then right click, or this will not work). Follow these designs to make a pickaxe:
After you have done this, go ahead and dig down in a staircase pattern using your fist. After around four blocks, you will hit a gray block. If you find a white-ish black-ish block, a mixed grey and lighter gray block, or a reddish block, move to a different area and dig down again(The second block that I mentioned can be confused with regular stone, and if you cannot tell the difference, mine it with your pickaxe and look in your inventory to see what it is called. If it is called Andesite, it is the wrong block. If it is called Cobblestone, it is the correct block).
After you have mined around a bit, your pickaxe might break. Don’t worry, you can make another one. After you have a bit of cobblestone, go ahead and make a cobblestone pickaxe. You can do this by following the crafting recipe for the wooden pickaxe, but replacing the wooden planks with cobblestone.
Next you’ll want to craft all of the recipes below:
After this, go ahead and explore the area you spawned in. You are looking for sheep. If you can’t find any, continue with the following instructions. If you do find sheep, skip to the next paragraph. Build yourself a small hut out of dir t, and craft a door to put in the entrance. Monsters cannot get through doors, so you will need one if you cannot find sheep. This is why: Monsters spawn at night, and you cannot sleep if you don’t have a bed. To make a bed you need wool, and to get wool, you need a sheep. This is how you craft a door:
After you have done this, right click on the block that you want your door to be on. Next, check to see if the sun is near the setting point. If it is go into your hut and close the door behind you(you can open and close doors by right clicking). If the sun is not setting yet, feel free to look around your area until nightfall. Don’t be caught out at night, or the Monsters will get you. Once it is morning again, search for sheep until you find them.
Once you find sheep, kill three of them by left clicking with your sword( If you don’t want to kill the sheep, don’t worry, there is two different ways to get wool without killing the sheep. But those will take a lot longer, so you might want to get them anyway). The sheep will drop wool and some amount of mutton. Then go to your crafting table(that’s the block that you made your pickaxe in), and follow this pattern below:
After that, check the where the sun is in the sky. You should be able to tell if the sun is setting because the sun moves pretty quickly. If it is nearing sunset place down your bed and right click to hop in. If you don’t get in right away, don’t worry, it’s just because the sun has not set yet. Once the sun has set, you should hop in bed right away. You might notice that a tab with green letters appears at the top corner of your screen. We’ll go into those later.
Congratulations! You just slept your first night! Today, I will teach you how to find and cook food. Don’t worry, it’s very simple. First, enter your crafting table. Then follow this pattern to make a furnace:
Next, place down the furnace by right clicking on the ground. Then right click on the furnace itself. This should work the same as the crafting table. This is somewhat like the inside of the furnace should look.
All right, if you found sheep, then go ahead and place the mutton that you collected in the top slot of the furnace and some wooden planks in the bottom. The wavy flames should light up. After a while, you can take you finished food out of the furnace. Now you know how to cook food. You can find more food by killing chickens, cows, sheep, and pigs. All of these cook the same way. If you don’t want to kill anything to get food, there are ways to get food besides meat, but they will be taught in the Farming section.
Now you know how to survive in the world of Minecraft! Remember, this is only how I would do it, not how you have to. There are no wrong ways to do it. Good Luck!
The Overworld, Biomes:
This biome is a big stretch of grassy fields. You can find villages in this biome, and my opinion is that they look the best of all the villages. This biome is pretty common.
The jungle is one of the most inspirational biomes in Minecraft. It has towering trees with long vines hanging from them. You cannot find villages in this biome, but there are Pandas! This biome is pretty rare.
Bamboo Jungle
This biome is usually by if not in a jungle biome. It mainly consists of towering bamboo stalks, and you can find Pandas in this biome as well. It is pretty rare.
Oak Forest
The Oak Forest is pretty much just a large stretch of oak trees. You can find wolves in this biome, so it is a bit interesting, but I usually only go there to chop down trees. You can find villages in this biome and they look the same as a plains village. This biome is pretty common.
Birch Forest
This biome is almost the same as the Oak Forest, but it has birch trees instead of oak. I don’t think that you can find villages in the biome, but if you do, they will be normal plains villages. This biome is not common, but not rare.
Dark Oak Forest
This biome is one of my personal favorites, because it has large dark trees that leaves almost completely cover the sky. This makes it incredibly fun to jump around on top the forest. There are no villages directly in this biome but sometimes you will find a plains village in a small clearing. This biome is pretty rare.
The Ocean biome is a very large expanse of water going off in every direction. This biome is a little less common than the Birch Forest. There are no villages.
The Savana is one of my least favorite biomes in Minecraft, mostly because of the drab, brown grass that covers the Savana floor. This biome has scatterings of acacia trees, and they also have acacia villages. This biome has about the same rarity as the Birch Forest.
This biome is not my favorite, but it has its uses. You can get slimes in this biome, and the diamond spawn rates are pretty high. There are no villages in this biome. Its rarity is about the same as the Savana.
Windswept Hills
The Mountains biome was recently updated to Windswept Hills. It has large mountains that can reach up to 200 blocks above sea level. There are no villages in this biome. This biome is not uncommon, but you will not see this as much as the Plains biome. Scatterings of both oak, birch, and spruce trees grow here.
Giant Spruce Taiga
The Giant Spruce Taiga is very similar to the Spruce Forest, except all the trees are two by two wide and about twenty blocks tall. This biome is very rare.
Spruce Forest
The Spruce Forest has large amounts of spruce trees everywhere in this biome. You can find villages in this biome. This biome is about as rare as the Windswept Hills.
Ice Spikes
This biome can only be found in the Ocean biome and is made up out of huge towers of snow and ice. This sight is very pretty at night, and during the day. This biome does not have any villages, and is pretty rare.
Ice Bergs
This biome is very similar to the Ice Spikes, but it does not have the towers. This biome is pretty rare.
Mushroom Field
The Mushroom Fields biome has brownish gray dirt and is covered in large mushrooms as well as small mushrooms. It does not have any villages in it. This biome is very rare. One thing is very cool about it is that it is the only biome in the world that you can find Mooshrooms(see Mobs).
Snowy Tundra
The Snowy Tundra is a large field of sand, gravel, and dirt that is covered in snow. This biome has spruce villages in it, and is pretty rare.
The Mesa is a very pretty biome, and is made up of terracotta and red sand. This biome does not have any villages native to it, but I hope that Mojang adds it in a few updates. This biome is pretty rare as well.
This biome is covered in sand, and does have a village native to it. This biome is about as rare as a Plains biome.
Stone shore
I don’t know much about this biome, but I think it is a beach made of stone.
This biome is only found on the border of the Ocean. It is pretty nondescript, so I don’t need to say much about it. It does not have any village native to it.
This biome can be found snaking throughout any biome in your world except the Ocean and perhaps the Mountains.
The Meadows biome is the only mountainous biome that a village can spawn in. It is basically a plains biome with spruce trees and duller grass.
Dripstone Caves
This biome has been recently added in the Caves and Cliffs update. It is basically a large cave that has hanging stalactites and stalagmites. This biome is pretty rare.
Lush Caves
This biome is a cave that is covered in moss, drip-leaf, and azalea blossoms. This biome is very pretty. It is also pretty rare.
Frozen Peaks
The Frozen Peaks biome is a slightly hilly snowy tundra. I’m not sure if it has any villages in it, but I think it is pretty rare.
This biome has spruce trees everywhere, and it is one of the only biomes that have powdered snow on the ground. I’m not sure if it has any villages in it, but I think it is pretty rare.
Jagged Peaks
This biome is a slightly more jagged Windswept Hills. It does not have any villages in it.
Snowy Slopes
This biome is a pretty much a less mountainous Frozen Peaks biome. I’m not sure if it has any villages in it, but I think it is pretty rare.
Stony Peaks
This biome is pretty much just its name, so I think you can form a solid image in your mind. It does not have any villages in it. And I think it is pretty rare.
The Overworld, Mobs
Hostile Monsters
10 hearts
2 hearts
Rotten Flesh and sometimes Gold or Iron Ingots
These monsters are very easy to kill, and they are extremely slow. But they do sense you from far away. Sometimes they carry shovels or swords, and they might drop those as well as rotten flesh. They may also wear armor, and they might drop this as well. A single Zombie can summon other Zombies, so one Zombie can over time become ten Zombies. They spawn in any biome except the Ocean.
These monsters are a lot harder to kill than a Zombie, because of their long range attack and their superior damage. They sense you about fifteen blocks away. They sometimes wear armor, and they might drop this as well. They spawn in all the biomes except the Ocean.
This monster senses you about fifteen blocks away. Once the get close, they start pulsing. In about two seconds, they will explode. They are pretty hard to kill if you don’t know what you’re doing. They spawn in any biome except the ocean. They never wear armor or carry any items.
Spiders sense you from about fifteen block away. Once they are within attacking range, they jump up at your face. They are not hard to kill, but they are not easy. Sometimes they will carry Skeletons on their backs, and this makes them harder to defeat. Spiders can spawn in any biome, except the ocean. They can also climb walls, so make sure you put a roof on your house. This can also be dangerous if you build up a tower to escape all the monsters chasing you. They never wear armor or carry weapons.
10 hearts
3 hearts
No, unless you look directly at them for around three seconds
Ender Pearls and sometimes the block that they carry
Endermen are found in every biome in the overworld, except the ocean. Water hurts them, so if you are in a pinch, put down a water bucket and get into the middle of it. You can find them the most in the desert, because of the “lack of water”. Endermen are pretty hard to defeat, unless you have an Enderman shelter(see Tips and Tricks). They never carry any armor or weapons.
Phantoms only appear if you do not sleep for three nights. They will spawn in packs of one to three at a time. They are flying monsters, so this makes them pretty dangerous. The best way to kill them is with the bow. Once you sleep again, they will disappear until you do not sleep for three nights. They never wear armor or carry weapons.
These little critters only appear in the Windswept Hills biome, or in a stronghold(see Structures). In the Windswept Hills biome, they only appear if you mine the block that they are in. Don’t worry, they are pretty easy to defeat, but there is no way avoid mining them out unless you use Silk Touch(see Enchantments). They never wear armor or carry weapons.
You can only find Pillagers at Pillager Outposts, or sometimes out and about on a patrol. They are about as easy to defeat as a skeleton. Pillagers also appear in Raids(see Raids). They never wear armor or carry swords. Sometimes they will have a flag on their shoulders. This means that if you slay them, you will get the Voluntary Exile effect. This means that if you walk into a village, a Raid(see Raids) will start. The only way to get rid of this effect is to drink a milk bucket or wait it out.
Evokers are only found at Woodland Mansions and in a Raid(see Raids). They use Magic as their attack, so this makes them very dangerous. They have two different magical attacks, summon Vexes and Evoker Fangs. Summon Vexes does pretty much what it says, that is, summon Vexes. Evoker Fangs makes a row of jaws pop out of the ground underneath you. They do a lot of damage.
Ravagers only ever appear in a Raid(see Raids). They are very hard to defeat, and their attack knock you back a lot. Sometimes a Pillager will ride on them. They break through leaves and trample farmland. The best way to kill them is with a bow.
10 hearts
sometimes String, sometimes Spider Eyes, sometimes Sticks, sometimes Glass Bottles, sometimes Redstone Dust, sometimes Glowstone Dust, rarely some type of Potion
Witches can be found in any biome except the Ocean, and they are also found in a Swamp Huts(see Structures). They use Potions as their attack. Sometimes they throw Poison potions, sometimes Slowness potions, sometimes Weakness potions, and sometimes Harming potions. When hurt, they drink potions of Regeneration, and potions of Healing. They are easiest killed with the bow, but they can be killed with a sword. They never carry swords or wear armor.
10 hearts
2 hearts
Rotten Flesh, sometimes Copper or Gold Ingots
Drowned sometimes carry tridents, and this increases their damage by 6 Hearts. They will very rarely drop these. They spawn only in the Ocean biome, and are easy to kill unless they are carrying a trident, if they are carrying a trident, it is usually better to run. If you have a shield, it is a lot easier to kill them, but it still carries risk.
10 hearts
4 hearts
Slowness Arrows, Bones, and sometimes their Bow
These monsters are a lot harder to kill than a Zombie, because of their long range attack and their superior damage. They sense you about fifteen blocks away. They sometimes wear armor, and they might drop this as well. They spawn only in snowy biomes. Their arrows carry the effect of slowness.
10 hearts
3 hearts
Raw Cod, Prismarine Crystals, and Prismarine Shards
Guardians are only found in Ocean Monuments(see Structures). If you get too close, their gaze will fix on you and after a few seconds, you will start to take damage. This makes them pretty dangerous.
Elder Guardian
20 hearts
4 hearts
Spikes and Gaze
Sponge Raw Cod, Prismarine Crystals, and Prismarine Shards
Elder Guardians are only found in Ocean Monuments, and only one in the west wing, one in the east wing, and one in the top chamber. Their gaze works just like the normal Guardians, except it does more damage. They can also spike you if you get too close. This attack does about one heart of damage.
Tips and Tricks

Enderman are three blocks tall, so if you build up three blocks and then out two in every direction, you can get under it and the Endermen cannot hit you. But you can hit them!

I find that the best way to defeat a skeleton is using a bow and shield. But if you don’t have a bow or a shield, try following the example in this video. Dodge its first arrow, then run in a hit it, then immediately dart off. Just do this again and again until it dies.

Creepers are one of the hardest mobs to defeat. The best way to take them down is with a bow, but if you only have a sword, then read on. If you are on a single player world, then you should dart forward, hit, turn and sprint away, and repeat. If you are on a LAN(see LANs), another player can attract the creeper, while you run up and hit it until you kill it. If you did it right, the creeper should not notice that you are there even when you hit it.
Passive Mobs
Cows can spawn in any biome except the Ocean or the Desert/Mesa. They never wear armor or carry weapons. You can breed them using wheat. Right click on one adult cow with some wheat in your hand, and hearts will come up out of the cow. Do this again to a different cow that is nearby, and the two cows will walk up to each other and have a baby! If you right click on an adult cow with an empty bucket in your hand, the bucket will fill up with milk! If you put the Raw Beef into a furnace with fuel in the bottom, it will cook!
This mob can be found in any biome except the Ocean or the Desert/Mesa. Sometimes you will find a sheep that has black, gray or pink wool. You can breed them with wheat. If you breed a colored sheep with a white sheep, you might get white or colored. If you right click on an adult sheep with sheers, 1 to 3 wool will fall off the sheep! The sheep will eat grass and after about ten minutes, the wool will have been grown back! If you put the Raw Mutton in a furnace with fuel in the bottom it will cook!
Chickens are found in any biome except the Ocean or Desert/Mesa. They are bred using wheat seeds, and they also lay eggs. If you right click with your cursor pointed at a block, and you have a chicken egg in you hand, the egg will fly out of your hand and break on the ground. It has a small chance of hatching a baby chicken! If you put the Raw Chicken into a furnace with fuel in the bottom it will cook!
Pigs can be found in any biome except the Ocean or Desert/Mesa. They are bred using carrots. If you craft a carrot on a stick, and have a saddle, you can actually ride your pig. Just right click on the pig with the saddle, and right click again to hop on. Then hold the carrot on a stick in your hand and point your cursor the way you want to go. If you right click with the carrot on a stick, the pig will go a bit faster. If you put the Raw Porkchop in a furnace with fuel in the bottom it will cook.
Wolves can be found only in foresty biomes. They can be tamed using bones, and will follow you around once you have tamed them. They can be bred using any type of raw meat, including rotten flesh. They will automatically attack skeletons, and once tamed, they will attack any mob that you hit. They do take damage, so you can refill their health using any type of meat, including rotten flesh.
Villagers are only found in villages. You cannot bread them but you can trade with them. All you must do is right click on the villager and a screen should pop up that looks something like this(put something in here later gid). Then select a trade from the left side of the screen. You will notice that they only have a few trades. This is easy to fix because the more you trade, the more trades will appear. It does this according to the bar at the top of the screen. This bar will show what level the villager is at. Novice is the lowest and master is the highest.
Iron Golem
50 hearts
No, unless you attack them or a villager
Iron Ingots and Roses
Iron Golems can spawn naturally in villages, or they can be constructed by placing four iron blocks in an upright T-shape. Once this is done, place a carved pumpkin on top. The blocks will transform into an Iron Golem! Iron Golems will attack any hostile mob except creepers. If you hit a villager or an Iron Golem, they will attack you. Sometimes they will hand a rose to a baby villager!
Snow Man
Snow Men can be made by stacking two snow blocks on top of each other and placing a carved pumpkin on top of that. The newly born snowman will immediately start moving around. Every block that it touches will have a covering of snow on top! Beware though, if the snow man goes into the desert, it will immediately melt. The same will happen if it rains. However, the snow man will not attack any monsters. This will only happen if you sheer its head. The pumpkin head should disappear and it will now attack any monsters in sight!
Cats can only be found at villages. They are tamed and bred using raw fish. Sometimes they will have already been tamed by the villagers. This is rare though. Taming a cat is difficult, because they will run away if you get too close. The best way to tame them is to hold a raw fish in you hand and creep up to them. Don’t get too close! If you did it right, the cat should come to you and then you should right click on it with the fish.
These creatures spawn only in the mushroom fields biome. They can be bred and tamed using wheat. If you right click on them with a bowl, the bowl will fill up with mushroom stew! If you shear them, the mooshroom will turn into a regular cow and drop a few red mushrooms.
Wandering Trader
A Wandering Trader can spawn in any biome, any time. If you right click on them, a screen will pop up and you will be able to trade with them. They will usually want emeralds for an item. The way to pick an item is to click on one of the bars to the right of the screen. This should make it so an emerald or so is in the slot at the top of the screen. Just take the new item out of the other box! If you don’t have enough emeralds, the trade will not work. If you slay his llamas, they will drop a lead.
Tropical Fish:
Health: 5 Hearts
Damage: None
Hostile: No
Weapon: None
Drops: Tropical Fish